On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 11:08 -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> As for whether there's 'spyware' for Linux, that's a good question.
> ...If closed source, people will complain.)

I'm not sure that it's true that linux users would catch closed source
spyware and complain.

To give an example: holding my nose, I installed skype on my laptop last
weekend.  (I play Battle for Wesnoth with a couple of friends who are
not very free-software-aware, and skype is the only really effective
solution for talking to them while playing).

I'd be surprised if skype *doesn't* perform some spyware-like
activities. It's a closed source program that implements a proprietary
network protocol and communicates god-knows-what information to other
machines just to do what it's supposed to do. For all I know it could be
slurping /etc/passwd and feeding it off to skype world domination HQ.
There are legitimate reasons for such a program to read /etc/passwd, so
just running it under strace wouldn't catch it.

Of course they do have a cute graphic that says "no spyware" on their
web site, so they must be OK right?

Josh Parsons
Philosophy Department
1238 Social Sciences and Humanities Bldg.
University of California
Davis, CA 95616-8673
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