Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Datapoint: I have tried, and failed, to install Gentoo twice.  I never
failed to install Debian.

Yep, I know, everyone is shaped by their experiences. I've tried, and failed, with Debian about 3 times. The last time was about the time I first tried Gentoo... which worked for me! Had Gentoo not worked, for whatever reason, my views may have been polarized to be totally different.

Perhaps part of the story is what I expected from Debian vs. Gentoo. I expected Debian to "just work" due to its maturity, user base, and target audience. Gentoo, on the other hand, advertises itself as a guru distribution. Going in with that understanding, and carefully reading the documents, I came out on the other side a happy camper.

Nonetheless, it is beyond my comprehension why Debian stable is 3 years old. That is an eternity in the world of open source software.

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