On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 11:14:00AM -0700, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> A simpler thing to do is just add the right line to /etc/fstab 
> permanently, yourself.  Then you can have an icon on your KDE desktop to 
> mount/unmout the device (/dev/sda1).  You will, however, need the 
> correct options, including "user(s)" which allows non-root users to mount.

This is what I do under Debian Sarge.  I don't mount my /camera/ itself,
but the CF card via a USB card reader.  I then use Konqueror to view the
photos (as thumbnails), and drag-n-drop them to appropriate folders.

At one point, I even had a KDE 'service' entry that would invoke Imagemagick
to convert images into thumbnails of themselves.  (So I'd just make a new
folder called "thumbs", _copy_ the originals in there, and then go in and
select all of the copied files and turn them into thumbs with a right-click.)

I looked into talking directly to my camera (a Canon Powershot, I think),
but this was a while ago, and it didn't seem as stable as it could be.
It's just as easy to simply pull the CF card out and go from there, so
I never bothered messing with it any further.

I don't currently have any kind of automount stuff set up on my Sarge box,
though.  I just have icons for the devices I care about on my desktop,
and I can right-click and [un]mount them as I need to...

(happy that KDE 3.4 finally includes icon shapes for mounted and unmounted
"CF Card" :^) )
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