on Tue, May 17, 2005 at 03:22:46PM -0700, Richard Crawford ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Let's suppose you have a set of Linux CD's (in this case, SuSE Enterprise 9). 
> The computer already has SuSE 8.2 installed.  The user cannot get into
> the BIOS to change the boot sequence (I don't know why, and she
> doesn't know enough about the BIOS to tell me).  

If you can, get more info.

Usual BIOS accesses are:  <delete> <F1> <F4> <F10> <F12> <esc>

Often the Scroll-Lock or Pause/Break keys can be used to pause the BIOS
POST display to get the BIOS identifier.

Can other media boot?  Floppy?

As you may have noticed, it's exceptionally difficult to diagnose
problems when you can't get a full specification of the system at hand.
We on the list are two stages removed from the system.  I'd very
strongly recommend you get the full scoop from the person in question
and/or explain why this isn't possible.

You can configure GRUB/LILO to boot from CD or floppy if you want,
adapting the instructions in section 3 of the GRUB Manual:


> Is there a way to start a fresh install from within Linux?  Seems like
> it should be possible.


  - chroot install

  - Install under User Mode Linux.

  - Install under an emulator / virtual machine:  qemu, xen, plex86,

Or you could use that old standbye:  transfer the disk to another
system, run the install there, and transfer the disk back to the target


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
    This suggests a more troubled future for Gnome than I had imagined.
    - Chip Salzenberg, on GNOME developer attitudes

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