I'd agree with a larger root partition


Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 05:06:20AM -0700, Shwaine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Jay Strauss wrote:

hydrogen:/# du -hxs *
2.7M    bin
8.3M    boot
0       cdrom
88K     dev
6.9M    etc
1.0K    initrd
0       initrd.img
79M     lib

This suggests a couple of kernels.  Current (2.6) kernels are running
~40 MiB in modules.  You can spare space by:

  - Deleting unused kernels.

  - Copying older kernel's modules to an alternate location and linking
    them back.  Kernel won't be bootable, but you'll be able to undo the
    damage if necessary.  If you use an initrd to load boot-required
    drivers, this actually *will* work.

  - Compiling your own kernel with only necessary modules.  SCSI, ISDN,
    bluetooth, telephony, atm, and many network drivers can be dropped
    for considerable savings.  Alternatively, you could copy driver
    trees not needed at boot to another partition and symlink them back.
    Post-boot, module loads will work.

Because of kernel bloat, I'm currently recommending a minimum of ~150,
and preferably ~250 MiB+ for root.


385M    proc

On Mon, 27 Jun 2005, Jay Strauss wrote:

hydrogen:/# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1             133M  107M   19M  86% /
tmpfs                 189M  4.0K  189M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda8              27G  1.4G   24G   6% /home
/dev/hda7             361M  8.1M  334M   3% /tmp
/dev/hda5             4.6G  821M  3.6G  19% /usr
/dev/hda6             2.8G  113M  2.6G   5% /var
fe:/home               50G   16G   32G  34% /mnt/fe/home

Off the bat a few things popped at me... first double-check the size on /proc. That seems a bit high, particularly given your second email that says the partition is not even that large.

/proc is a virtual filesystem, it doesn't exist.  Most files in it
report a filesize of zero.

The exceptions are any symlinks (always report a size of 1), and
/proc/kcore, which reports memory size.

From which, we can assume Jay's got 386MB RAM on his box.

If you have a rogue process chewing up disk space, you'll want to
solve that first. Second, also check the inodes available with df -i
just in case this is a case of inode exhaustion instead of disk space.

Good suggestion but doesn't seem to fit the data as presented.

My final thought is to look through /lib and see if you need all the
libraries you have installed as it seems to be the lion's share of the
partition. My lib directory is about half the size of yours, but I
tend to be minimalistic with my installations.

You've likely only got one kernel installed.

...and for comparison, local partitions, and root FS sizes:

    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda2             228M  196M   21M  91% /
    tmpfs                 475M  4.0K  475M   1% /dev/shm
    /dev/hda1              38M   28M  8.8M  76% /boot
    /dev/hda9             259M  197M   63M  76% /tmp
    /dev/hda10           1004M  820M  185M  82% /var
    /dev/hda11            3.0G  2.8G  143M  96% /usr
    /dev/hda12           1004M  493M  512M  50% /usr/local
    /dev/hda13             12G   11G  720M  94% /home

And root utilization:

# du -s bin dev etc lib root sbin 4364 bin
    95  dev
    34960       etc
    115593      lib
    33286       root
    4909        sbin



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