On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 10:00:34AM -0700, Boris Jeremic wrote:
> While not perfect, xrandr works. I am puzzled as to why would not xrandr 
> chagen the resolution as well. That is, on my laptop I get:
> So it is really not change in resolution (resolution of screen remains 
> the same, the only change is in the area shown on LCD...).

Ah, LCDs aren't the same as CRTs, and they can't really show any fewer
pixels on the screen than there are.  My coworker has an LCD capable of
1280x1024 and I believe she runs it at 1024x768 or 800x600, so that
everything is larger.  It scales it up to fill the LCD, however, it just
looks really fuzzy to me.

More fancy, expensive LCD (together with fancier video cards?) are able to do
better scaling.  I've seen some Mac OS X systems running an LCD drop down
to 640x480 to show Tux Paint, and it looked quite good.

> I am not sure what I used to have on my old laptop (it got stollen), not 
> even sure if it was redhat or suse, but CTRL-ALT + or - used to change 
> the resolution of the LCD screen while stretzhing the desktop to full 
> screen... Much like what one can do with Windows... Not that I care much 
> about it, it'll only be used for presentations.

Oh, whoops, then forget what I said.  What happens if you use xrandr to
change the desktop size and THEN hit CTRL-ALT +/- to tell X to change
resolution, too, does that help?

Sorry for my confusion. :)

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