I am trying to dual-boot Linux and Windows. When I try to open the Linux

partition, I get GRUB, and I don't know what to do.  I am attempting to
save my prior partition (Redhat).

Windows is currently working on the computer.
What exactly is the problem when you try to start Linux? I get the start
of the grub program, and a prompt.

There is no error message.

I tried to find the answer in Knopix Hacks, and Sams Fedora book.

I have Knoppix, and the Linux is a Fedora that I was given at my second

install fest.

How do you start windows?  Do you choose it from a boot menu?  Is Linux
in that menu also?

I seem to remember now from the installfest. At one point you had it functioning with dual-boot windows and RHEL. Is that correct? Did you try to "upgrade" to fedora using the fedora disks? Did that seem to go OK?

With a little more information, we should be able to get you up and running soon!

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