On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 01:31:02PM -0700, Alex Mandel wrote:
> I get what your saying, lets just say I'm not that experienced at using 
> arrays.
> On an interesting note though, we figured out how to overlay tranparent 
> gifs(by layering DIV tags) so we only need 10 images instead of 512 and 
> now just have to write a short script to build the html dynamically 
> instead of a lookup table.

Hm, okay. I guess I'm not really clear on what your needs are, then: it
wasn't clear to me that this was for a web site or anything like that,
and I'm not sure why there is a need to layer transparent gifs. What
sort of image are you trying to generate?

Be careful with layering images: Mozilla and MSIE treat absolute
positioning /very/ differently (MSIE's is broken, naturally).

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