oooh, thats right!! I'd get a WRT54G and flash the firmware to get client mode working. This is a VERY powerful router and cheap!!


Henry House wrote:

I finally have no choice but to get a wireless interface for my home
workstation. Given the difficulty with changing chipsets and poor driver
support, I am thinking of a ethernet-to-wireless bridge, which is alleged to
bridge a one-device ethernet network to an existing wireless network with an
existing access point, all without any drivers on the PC. Here are two
products, both by Linksys, that claim to do just that:

The second is about twice the price of the first.

My questions are:

- Am I on the right track going with an ethernet bridge?

- What reasons are there to prefer the more-expensive device? I loathe
 wireless networking and so would prefer to spend as little as possible. I
 am not really interested in special features.


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