On Tuesday 10 January 2006 21:38, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> There are many ways to hose a system... but installing a fresh Linux distro
> over almost any other OS is pretty straighforward (at least for me).  I
> would think you should be getting pretty familiar with it by now, too.

You'd think.  I've done many installs, including several dual-boot installs, 
and have yet to destroy a system.  I did once wipe a computer's MBR by 
deciding to make it a pure Windows system and remove Debian.

Nevertheless, I get paranoid.

Now that I think about it, I suppose that installing Kubuntu probably won't 
touch the MBR at all, just alter GRUB.  Am I right?

> >  My current plan is to simply reformat the FC
> > partition with Partition Magic, and install Kubuntu.
> Unless you plan to change the sizes of the partitions, why bother with PM?

Good point.

Richard S. Crawford (http://www.mossroot.com)
"That which does not kill me makes me stranger."
    -Llewellyn, from Ozy & Millie

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