On Wednesday 13 September 2006 21:38, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> I'm having nothing but grief trying to get Apache reinstalled on a
> Kubuntu server I've been building.  I installed Apache, then
> mistakenly installed Apache2 on top of that, then tried to uninstall
> both, not knowing that --reinstall was not an option with apt-get
> install.  Plenty of files were deleted manually, problems arose,
> hilarity failed to ensue.  Now when I try:
> $ sudo apt-get --reinstall install apache2
> apt tells me that Apache2 is being installed, but there are no
> /var/log files for Apache, and when I try to launch apache2 with
> /etc/init.d/apache2 start, there's no output, and Apache simply
> doesn't start.  When I tried recently to simply install Apache (not
> 2), I got the following:

Apache2 is a dummy package, which exists only for the purpose of pulling 
in other dependancies, so running --reinstall on it will reinstall only 
the few documentation files that it contains, which are required by 
debian packaging policy. (--reinstall doesn't automatically reinstall a 
package's dependancies) Find the other apache packages that it pulled 
in and run apt-get --reinstall install on those. The packges that dpkg 
listed for you: apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-utils, apache2-common are 
the ones you need to reinstall.


Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

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