On Friday 16 March 2007 15:26:34 Cylar Z wrote:
> Just wanted to say "thanks" for posting this. I'm
> about to install Kubuntu as my primary, day-to-day
> desktop OS. (I've decided to give it a try after
> reading so many good things about Ubuntu over on the
> general vox list, and most of my Linux-using friends
> seem to prefer KDE over Gnome.)
> And like many, I have a digital camera. I also had
> some concerns over whether or not all my USB devices
> would work as well as they did under Win XP. Thanks
> for sending this bit of knowledge our way - it's good
> to know I can refer to it if I have the same problem
> you did!

FWIW, I've been using Kubuntu as my primary OS at home since version 5.10, and 
I've loved it every step of the way, though in some of the earlier months of 
the Edgy Eft (6.10) release, I had issues with the Flash plugin on Firefox, 
and up until KDE 3.5.6 was released, I was unable to sync my Sony Clie.  USB 
devices, including my MP3 player, have never given me any problems.

Richard S. Crawford (http://www.mossroot.com)
Editor In Chief, Daikaijuzine (http://www.daikaijuzine.com)
"You can't trust your judgement when your imagination is out of focus."
                (Mark Twain)
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