On Friday 06 April 2007 03:37, Issac Trotts wrote:
> > > One thing that's a little strange is that sometimes the touchpad
> > >
 shows up on event2 and sometimes on event3.  Not sure how to deal
> > > with that...
> >
> > You need "configured mouse" to deal with external mice that you may
> > plug in to a USB port.
> >
> > As for the event2/event3 thing, it may be that you have an external
> > mouse plugged in that's getting event2 sometimes. There may be
> > other factors. You can always write udev rules to symlink the
> > built-in devices to fixed names.
> OK, this is going in the right direction.  I created a file called
> /etc/udev/rules.d/40-personal.rules with the following contents:
> #
> #
> http://mail.kdewebdev.org/pipermail/linuxr3000/2005-March/000181.html
> # http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1353267
> # http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html
> #
> # touchpad
> BUS=="serio",SYSFS{description}=="i8042 Aux-3 Port",
> KERNEL=="event?",SYMLINK="input/touchpad"
> # USB mouse
> BUS=="usb",KERNEL=="mouse?", SYMLINK="input/usb_mouse"
> and changed the relevant lines of /etc/X11/xorg.conf to
>      Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/usb_mouse"
> and
>      Option "Device" "/dev/input/touchpad"
> Now when I reboot, the USB mouse works but the touchpad does nothing.
>  If I then do ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X, it all works perfectly
> with no tap-to-click.  I can live with this, though I'd be curious if
> there's a way to make it work without this little kludge.

I don't know the answer to this. I'd look to see whether any necessary 
kernel modules for the touchpad are loaded before the X server runs the 
first time (or whether the X server is loading them themselves). I'd 
also look to see if ubuntu's startup scripts have a race condition in 
them. Beyond that, I have no answer.


Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

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