Bill Broadley wrote:
Jimbo wrote:
I have found out that certain beryl functions only work in root.

I've noticed no difference.  Like what specifically?

Is this a permission thing? If so how do I set permission so I can the full effect?

Er, which full effect?  How did you install it?  Onto what distribution?
I've installed beryl on edgy, and used the related compiz installed
on a default feisty.
vox-tech mailing list

I am using a distro called pclinuxos and beryl comes installed.

When in root I can make my desktop appear to be rained on (by using <shift>+<F9>). Quite the cool effect. No water ripple effect when moving windows either.

I also noticed that windows are wafered separately from the cube when viewing "boxed" desktops. User mode just has them superimposed.

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