On Monday 07 May 2007 02:10:41 pm Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a shared folder accessible via both ssh and samba - I would
> like anything put into that folder to have some basic permissions
> set:
> i.e. the owner can stay the same, but I would like the group
> permission to be set to a default group which has read+write
> permissions.
> for example someone has made a folder which has the permissions:
> drwxr-sr-x
> the group is correctly set, but I cannot make any changes within the
> folder, even though I am in the group...
> any ideas ?
> thanks

The users using this folder need to all have their umask set to 002 so 
that they give group write permission by default on files and 
directories they create. You should make sure this is set up 
appropriately in the systemwide login scripts, but be aware that users 
can override these settings.

It would be nice to change various kinds of settings on a 
directory-by-directory basis, such as the umask and project-specific 
environment variables. I doubt this is doable in Linux, but I wonder 
whether GNU Hurd can do this with translators.


Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

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