On Sun September 30 2007 20:17, Nick Schmalenberger wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 30, 2007 at 08:01:10PM -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
> > I installed debian etch a couple of months ago and had no occasion
> > to use the CDROM drive until recently. I was trying to play a CD and
> > kept getting an error.  I found there is no node in /dev for it. I did
> > find a node in /dev/.static/dev but of course no app will look there.
> > This seems to be related to udev some how. I found a lof file in
> > /var/log/installer called hardware-summary. according to that there was a
> > CD drive recognized and the driver modules installed. Now the driver
> > modules are not installed. (I had to re-boot because of a power outage)
> > As I understand it, udevd is supposed to get an event from the kernel
> > and craeate the node dynamically but how can it get an event when there
> > are no drivers? Is there some program to run to get this to work?
> What driver is it? Is it on a different bus or controller than the hard
> drive? I suppose that works if you are at that point. Does dmesg say
> anything about your cd driver getting loaded?
> Nick Schmalenberger
This is an ide drive on the second channel. Before the re-install I could just
address it as /dev/hdb   I grepped all the /var/log/message* files for cd or 
hdb with no result. In /dev/.static/dev there is an alias, cdrom which links 
to hdb


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