Just wanted to mention to anyone interested. The i-blue 747 works quite well with linux. I avoided it in the past because the only driver I could find was windows.

Some 16KB of storage leaves it a fair bit of room for logging, and you can specify time rates, min distance, or min speed for storing results. You can also control what is logged.

The unit gets substantially better reception than others I've tried, works in my living room (not near a window) and even inside various buildings like Sophia's. The accuracy drops of course, but I've never seen the results get too far off.

I'm using (command line and perl):

But if java and ugly GUIs are your thing:

In any case if you wanted a GPS to record tracks but didn't want to carry a fragile pda with limited battery life (like say a nokia 770) on a mountain bike ride you could use this and record a track like:

It even has a button for recording POIs.
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