On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 04:17:38PM -0700, Tony Cratz wrote:
> Larry Ozeran wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have used a web host based in North Carolina for many years. I recently 
> > upgraded from a shared server to a dedicated server and I was hoping to be 
> > able to install some SPAM fighting tools. The SPAM software they provide is 
> > limited to white listing and black listing and I am now receiving huge 
> > volumes of it. I am a part time programmer, not familiar with networks or 
> > email servers, but I am tired of huge volumes of SPAM. I reviewed various 
> > sites and felt that installing postgrey might give me substantial SPAM 
> > reduction with minimal challenges. When I asked my host about installing 
> > it, I was told:
> > "After further investigation I was able to verify that the request was 
> > denied.
> > It was specified that this software would be unsafe to run on the server 
> > environments run within our network.
> > This is per our Systems Administrators."
> > 
> > After going around with them twice, I don't have what I feel is an adequate 
> > answer. Any thoughts on why someone might think that postgrey is "unsafe"? 
> > Better yet, any strategies for countering this thinking?
> > 
> >  = = system info - yes the versions are old, but that's not my host's 
> > excuse for the denial and they can be updated now that I am on a dedicated 
> > server
> > Operating System:   Redhat Linux Kernel Version:    2.4.26
> > Apache/PHP Version:         Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) filter/1.0 PHP/4.4.4
> > Perl Version:       v5.6.0
> > MySQL Version:      3.23.33
> > Send Mail Version:  8.12.10
> > 
> > Thanks for any suggestions or clarifications.
>       I did a could of quick searches and found a couple of things.
>       There was a security DoS (Denial of Service) issue in the 2006
>       time frame using Postgray 1.21. On Debian systems there was a
>       patch which fixed the problem (I did not see any patch for
>       Red Hat).
>       The current version of Postgrey is 1.31 with a timestamp of
>       9/2007.
>       With the above it would be a good chance the DoS issue has
>       been solved.
>       Now lets quickly take a look at how Postgrey works. If the
>       message the SMTP server receive is the first connection of
>       a message it is TEMPFAIL rejected (meaning it must be attempted
>       to send again before the message is accepted).
>       Now one might ask why do this? At one time some of the spammers
>       would only attempt to send a message once and if they received
>       a TEMPFAIL they would drop the message, thus reducing the
>       amount of SPAM a site might received from a spammer.
>       PLEASE NOTE: This was before the use of zombie networks. Now
>       they have the zombies send the message and they don't care if
>       the zombies have a TEMPFAIL as the message is not sitting on
>       the spammer machine but maybe on the zombie system but more
>       likely it is setting on the ISP of the witless user of the
>       zombie system.
>       So the bottom line is, using Postgrey now is just a waste of
>       computer resources and time. As fir it currently being a
>       security issue, I can't find anything to suggest this is
>       still true. But your ISP may be using it as an excuse to
>       not waste their time setting it up, or they may not be using
>       Postfix (which is required for Postgrey). They could be using
>       Sendmail, Qmail or Exim.
>       Is there better solutions? I know a lot of people are using
>       mimedefang + SpamAssassin + ClamAV to reduce the amount of
>       SPAM and viruses. Can you stop all SPAM using these methods?
>       NO. Can you reduce the SPAM yes. Are there other things which
>       can be done also? Yes you can use DNS blacklist such as
>       Spamhaus and SpamCop. Again these only help to reduce the
>       SPAM.
>       The only way to possible stop SPAM is to rewrite all of the
>       RFC dealing with mail and require each clients to certify who
>       they are so the true path can not be hidden and the spammers
>       could be trace. Note: This really would not fully solve the
>       problem but would allow the message to be traced back to the
>       zombie system a lot faster. But zombie networks could still be
>       used. It would just require a new one to be set-up which would
>       take time. I also make note of a news article from last year
>       (sorry I don't have the link any more) where a System installer
>       who worked out of the US setting up systems for the customers
>       of the company he worked for (kind of like the Geek Squad of
>       Best Buy) where he installed the software to turn the systems
>       into zombie servers.

I am using sa-exim which supports greylisting. I also received about 500
spams where the spammer used guestbooks and e-card sites, feedback
forms, and whatever they could post to to send me the spam. I am willing
to be they used Google to harvest the sites with these services, put
together some bots to activate the guestbooks, e-cards, feedback form
sites that send replies to the client using the page, and then activated
them all at once. I still have the spams, so I can harvest the IPs of
the relaying servers and perhaps just block their servers. 

One way to completely block SPAM is to use TLS / SSL and allow only
authenticated mail servers to relay into your mail server. 

Brian Lavender
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