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----- Forwarded message from "Karsten M. Self" <> -----

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:08:53 -0700
From: "Karsten M. Self" <>
To: Rick Moen <>
Subject: Re: (forw) Re: [vox-tech] (forw) Re: (forw) Re:  Need Partitioning 

Bill Broadley <> wrote:

> > I also make a point of noting that there's nothing particularly "wrong"
> > with the One Big Partition school (though root plus swap is still
> > generally recommended).  
> You say that here, 3 partitions in the actual document says different.

Um.  I said:  One large system partition.  A boot partition (strictly
optional), a swap partition (strictly optional), and the system root
filesystem.  Isolating boot offers a few benefits (mostly dealing with
flaky BIOSes and bootloaders).  Swap partitions are IMO cleaner.  Given
historical partitioning schemes, it's pretty bloody simple.

Among the reasons I wrote the document under discussion was to avoid
discussions such as this.  The author means to be helpful but is a busy
and testy chap.

Incidentally, your initial partitioning concept (/, /home, and swap) is
perfectly serviceable.  For Debian or Ubuntu, 10-15GB for root should be
ample.  Or just do / and swap.

When I said: "there's no specific need", I mean that literally.  The
Linux partitioning gestapo are not going to repeal your GPL and eat your
children because you've partitioned a particular way, though you may, in
the course of events and storage accidents, discover some of the
benefits of a more nuanced scheme.
> >     *** IN BOLD TEXT!!! ***
> > 
> > 
> > I guess you can't please 'em all.
> You sound much more reasonable in your above statements then you do in the
> document.  


I am deeply disturbed when *** STARRED TRIPLE BANG ALL CAPS *** is read
as more reasonable than measured and informed advice....

> In this mentioned "THIRD PARAGRAPH OF THE FAQ" still in bold you admit
> the increasingly popularity of "minimal partitioning" which you go on
> to explain actually means 5 partitions.

Um.  I think I'll just stop here.  Because that is factually incorrect
to a degree that seems as if it might be willful.  Have a nice day.

Karsten M. Self <>
    Ceterum censeo, Caldera delenda est.

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