Actually, it is DBAN 2.0.0. What I want to do is wipe the HD that Ubuntu is
on first.


 I want to keep Windows because that is the OS I know best. I am not quite
ready to attempt setting up Video, monitor, etc manually. Eventually this
will be Linux only machine.


Neither HD will boot without putting in Ubuntu Install disk. If I could be
sure of completely overwriting the Ubuntu HD I would happily reinstall.
However, that has not seemed to work. It simply installs a second Ubuntu. 


The file(Virus) that was automatically downloaded when I clicked on the link
evidently installs very low (root/boot level?) cannot be simply deleted. The
solution that was on the website was 136 pgs long. Not my skill level! 


Of course it is on the Win HD too, since nothing boots w/o install disk. It
hangs on "Press F2 to enter setup". No mem test or other pretests occur.


 I had hoped to fix the Ubuntu HD first, then the Win HD. I would simply
change boot sequence. So, yes eventually both must be fixed. However, Win
seems to work fine once booted, and I know Win better. I cannot wipe Win HD
because Win can't read DBAN.


Hope this clarifies some, thanks.


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