On Sun, 4 Oct 2009, Gandalf  Parker wrote:

just realized that I failed to comment. Sorry about that.

> My server is and my router is
> At the moment I have this running...
> while true
> do
>  pyng=`ping -c 1|grep ttl|cut -d= -f4|cut -d. -f1`
>   if [ `echo $pyng |cut -d" " -f1` -gt 1000 ]
>   then
>      netstat | grep :
>      echo -e "\a " $pyng " \a"
>   fi
>  sleep 5
> done

at 5 second intervals it pings my router and if the ping is over 1000 then 
it does a netstat just showing me the connections.

The netstats seem to always show imap. The earlier version did a ps ax 
instead of netstat which is shat showed me the postfix thing.

Gandalf  Parker

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