I have confirmed that Borders hotspot sets resolv.conf to use openDNS.
Which by the way, seems to work better than my router on my home network.
Maybe another example of the problems with earthlink.

That leaves the question: why access DNS at all for a application launch?
My desktop doesn't do it. Its debian lenny for x86 while my laptop
is debian etch for amd-64


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Richard Harke (paleopeng...@gmail.com):
> > When I use my laptop without a network connection, it becomes very,
> > very slow launching applications. I've done some tracing and
> > apparently it sends some kind of request to a DNS server. Not just any
> > DNS but openDNS in particular. When it's off-net, it waits for the
> > time-out before continuing.  So two quesions Why contact DNS for any
> > app launch? (This includes apps that have no possibility of using the
> > net)
> This is difficult to answer without specifics.
> > 2nd. Why openDNS? I had never heard of them before and certainly
> > haven't signed up for their service.
> You'll have to answer this question from local knowledge.  Obviously,
> somebody using your laptop at some point did something that re-pointed
> /etc/resolv.conf to them -- and nothing's overridden that, since.
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