After I stopped laughing, I decided to take a minute to figure this out
without actually visiting thickmom.

If you google these terms, "thickmom legalargument," you get nothing.
If you search for "thick mom legal argument" and you get but two results!
Neither indicate that they're from a page on thickmom though.

So you certainly have a bit of a mystery. Do you still have your raw
server logs? Is the IP addresses of the referrer always the same? Perhaps
it's a indexing-bot gone wild(?).

What I can say is that if google hasn't picked up on the link from your
site it's either something behind a password (doubly strange) or some
random text that was pulled from your website. Either way, be thankful
that you're not getting blitzed from that!

-- Dave Spencer, PageWeavers

--- Original Message ---

I've got a business website;

This site is for my legal research and writing law practice.  It contains some 
useful legal information, mostly dealing with different types of subpoenas.

I check my web stats, given to me by my webhosting service, almost every day.  
There is a chart labeled, "Top 30 of 53 Total Referrers."  Here is the entry 
for the seventh top referrer, indicating 5 "hits."

7       5       0.35% is a porn site.  How can I be referred by a porn site?  I can see 
someone visiting a porn site, and then going to my URL.  But would that count 
as a referral?


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