Yes this is very easy to do.  Ubuntu makes it stoopid easy.  I have done this 
serveral times.

Plug in your ext usb hard drive.

Go into your bios.  This can usually be done by pushing 1 particular key 
depending on how the mfg of the motherboard has set it up ( I press     my 
delete key every second when I power on my system then the bios screen shows).

Once in your bios check to see if your ext hard drive is detected.  Don't be 
afraid to look at and explore options, pack a lunch and stay a while.  Take the 
scenic route.  You just might find all kinds of useful stuff in there.

Find the option to change the boot priority.  There you will make the cd rom 
(dvd rom) the first one and your ext hard drive the second one.  Don't be 
afraid of these changes.  Usually if a device doesn't boot then it goes to the 
next device till the pc boots.
Put in a live cd of ubuntu.  Restart your machine.

Ubuntu will load and if sucessful you will see a desktop.  Clicking on the 
desktop icon called install will guide you the rest of the way.  It will even 
give you a boot loader in which you can not only load different OS from the 
same hard drive but from different hard drives!

Forgive me if these directions are drawn out but I really don't know what you 
know.  Based on both of your email I figured I would try to make it as if you 
didn't know anything about computers at all.  There still is a lot of variables 
that might hang you up so please don't be intimitaded to ask the group.  Some 
Linux snobs won't waste their time with you but most will understand that not 
everybody is a computer nerd that sits in front of a screen for hours on end 
and tweak out on the most insignificant things that you can imagine.  If you 
need more help email me directly.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jason Snyder 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:13 PM
  Subject: [vox-tech] LINUX installation question windows Vista

  To Whom it May Concern,

  I have a computer with windows Vista and am having problems creating a 
partition due to pagefiles.  I was wondering if it is possible to just 
install/run linux from an external hard drive where I can easily have 
partitions of 250 GB as opposed to 7 GB, which is the maximum partition I can 
get on my C drive.




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