Orson posted from a non-subscribed address, so passing along
to the list on his behalf:

----- Forwarded message from vox-tech-boun...@lists.lugod.org -----

Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:12:11 -0700
From: vox-tech-boun...@lists.lugod.org
Subject: Auto-discard notification
To: vox-tech-ow...@lists.lugod.org

The attached message has been automatically discarded.
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 17:07:00 -0600
From: Orson Jones <or...@afriskito.net>
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Forcing a greyscape JPEG into RGB colorspace?
To: vox-tech@lists.lugod.org

What are you using to determine the type of image? From what I have been
reading, imagemagick tells you about the contents of the image, not the
actual format it is saved in.

$ convert grey.jpg -type TrueColor converted.jpg

$ identify -verbose converted.jpg |grep Type:
  Type: Grayscale

$ djpeg -v -outfile /dev/null grey.jpg 2>&1 |grep components
Start Of Frame 0xc0: width=164, height=238, components=1
Start Of Scan: 1 components

$ djpeg -v -outfile /dev/null converted.jpg 2>&1 |grep components
Start Of Frame 0xc0: width=164, height=238, components=3
Start Of Scan: 3 components

(This shows that there are 3 components and not 1 like the grey image.)


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