On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:37:08PM -0700, Tony Cratz wrote:
>       Not yet for me until after I have been able to fully understand
>       and get a working version for myself.

I figured.  (Of course, if anyone else out here knows much about Sieve
and wants to talk about it, speak up!)

>       As for Procmail, that I can show some examples for. I need to do
>       search my laptop and make sure I have the more complex version.

Cool, thanks.  Of course, we're booked up through June of next year
(though May is currently available), so you've still got time to become
a Sieve expert. ;)

Unless, of course, you (or whomever) just wants to do a short
mini-presenation.  (We sometimes do those, between intro & club business,
and the main speaker.)


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