Quoting Alex Mandel (tech_...@wildintellect.com):

> Ha, turns out I did get a case with eSata, didn't realize it until I
> started shopping for another case and went "That looks familiar"...
> Just need to find a cable now to try it. I'll let you know how it goes.
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817173043

I predict that you'll be happier with SATA than with USB for this
deployment.  USB entails an additional translation layer, which is
why you lose things like SMART datastreams, whereas eSATA simply
extends the native mass-storage bus.  Also, you should find that
external SATA is more reliable and has fewer sources of flakiness and
has fewer speed limitations in real-world situations.

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