On 11/23/2010 12:32 AM, Jason Snyder wrote:
> I just upgraded to linux 10.4 from linux 9.10 and am having problems with
> running programs and looking at directories in the terminal.
> For instance the command ls should give me all the contents of the directory
> that I am in.  However, this is what I get when I enter ls:
> snyde...@snyderjm-laptop:/$ ls
> Command 'ls' is available in '/bin/ls'
> The command could not be located because '/bin' is not included in the PATH
> environment variable.
> ls: command not found
> Can you please help me resolve this issue ASAP so that I can start working
> with programs that are on my desktop and also on my external hard drives
> from within the terminal?  These include many fortran based programs.
> Thanks,
> Jason

Sounds like your /etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile got corrupted. Try
reinstalling bash and bash-completion. You will need to logout for the
changes to take effect after the reinstall, I don't think you need to

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