Hello, beautiful people!  How I have missed you.

A question for your enormous brains.  Suppose that the kernel panics.
Further suppose that I do NOT want it to dump core.  Can I set up the
system to do this?  Can I set up the system to perform any arbitrary
commands when the kernel panics?  If so, how?

The motivation behind all this: I'm trying to figure out how to get
Linux on satellites.  One of the barriers is paperwork: the gub'mint
says "You must do X, Y, and Z".  One of those requirements is that all
system startups, shutdowns, and aborts keep the system in a secure
state.  Secure aborts is the one I'm having trouble proving--I think
that dumping core is a problem, because it preserves possibly
sensitive information (internal state at the time of panic) in a place
that isn't supposed to hold it (namely, wherever the core is dumped,
which appears to be in the swap space.)

If I'm wildly off-base, please advise.


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