Have you tried using ssh socks proxy using the -D option?

ssh -D 1234 remotehost.com

In firefox, go to network -> advanced settings.

and select it to use localhost, port 1234. You should configure
Firefox to use dns proxy too.

network.proxy.socks_remote_dns true

This site has some info.


On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 07:50:40PM -0500, Hai Yi wrote:
>    hello all:
>    Here is the thing. A friend of mine in China wanted to access Google's
>    android developer site, unfortunately since Google stopped business in
>    China, its tech sites seemed also being blocked by the Great Firewall.
>    So he asked me for a solution. I checked and it seems Squid proxy is
>    the way to go.
>    I've instlled Squid on my Ubuntu 9.10 home server, however, the
>    configuration seems complex in both server and client (I presume it's a
>    browser).
>    Now the question: if my sole purpose is to allow my friend to access
>    certain websites throu the proxy server, what info I need from him and
>    how to config the /etc/squid/squid.conf? What I need to let him know so
>    that he can do his part to make the connection?
>    I did some google, and start wondering if the ssh tunneling or firefox
>    configureation is part of this effort?
>    Anyway, I am really out of depth in this domain - the question might
>    sound silly, but any help is greatly appreciated.
>    Hai

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Brian Lavender

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