sorry bud netflix DOES NOT work with Linux only systems natively yet.
I know, I have netflix, you can however use nextflix on most game
systems like the wii, apple devices like the iphone, in winblows via
virtual box, and of course in winblows running natively off your comp.
 You can also try wine with firefox, but I had some issues with that,
including system freezing, and I have a decent system too. Netflix
keeps saying they will eventually release something for Linux users,
but no one knows when. Good luck with netflix on Linux.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:21 PM, jimbo <> wrote:
> My wife and Iwas renting oscar winner and nominee movies starting from 2009
> until our neighborhood blockbusters closed.  This is our only entertainment
> as we have cut back severly.
> Netflix looks like a great fit.  At 9.99/mo. this is a great deal.  I am
> however behind the times as far as streaming.
> Does anyone stream netflix with Linux programs?  I think xbnc does this.
> Using Linux would have huge advantages over Windblows, I think.
> I also need to find an option to stream to my non wifi tv w/o hooking my pc
> to it.
> One last thing.  I can use an older spare pc and hook it to my tv  but what
> about quality?  Can I get away with a so so gpu but get 1080p pumping out of
> my set?   What would be a light weight Linux distro that will let me do
> this?  Maybe I can come to the next installfest and not only have this but a
> dvr?
> Jim
> GM
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