On 03/10/2011 07:16 AM, Chanoch (Ken) Bloom wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-03-09 at 22:37 -0800, Richard Harke wrote:
>> This is basically correct. But I had deleted the strangely named
>> directory that held
>> the lock file and apparently that was the problem. I don't understand
>> why this wasn't
>> removed and recreated during the purge/install cycle. But its good
>> now.
>> Thanks for replying.
>> Richard
> The strangely named directory contains all of your configuration --
> bookmarks, history, cookies, etc. I'm not sure why they use the
> strangely named directory -- probably some sort of security through
> obscurity. You saw how my use of a * circumvented that pretty easily.
> --Ken

The strangely named directory is a profile directory. The reason it is
named randomly is so you can have multiple profiles. The random names
prevent different profiles from interfering with each other. I suppose they
could have gone with profile1, profile2... but they went with random names.

As for the purge/reinstall cycle. That only deletes system configuration
files, never user configuration files. (which is where the problem was in
this situation)

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