Brief follow-up.  I'm using Intel video drivers from

I used those after upgrading Ubuntu 10.10 from KDE 4.5 (which it
comes with) to KDE 4.6 (and now 4.6.1), which was made available

I had to do so on my Dell 1525, as well as my wife's Thinkpad X41,
because after upgrading to KDE 4.6, the screen wasn't refreshing

Anyway, over the course of the past few months, those drivers
have been updated a handful of times, and I checked my S-Video
out again recently, and there's magically been a little progress.
Now, instead of my "TV-1" display being unselectable in,
for example, KRandRTray, it now shows up as a connected device
when I have the S-Video cable plugged in, and the TV turned on.

However, no progress beyond that, so far... my TV remains black. :^/

I haven't had much time to care about or work on this, but I figured
I'd give an update with the progress, rather than just leave the
thread dangling.


On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 04:53:47PM -0800, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 02/09/2011 04:28 PM, Brian Lavender wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 03:33:57PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> >>
> >> That was before trying to use S-Video.  I also admittedly have not yet
> >> tried other S-Video cables to ensure that it's not a cable issue.
> >> (If that turns out to be the case, I'll be annoyed at the loss of an 
> >> S-Video
> >> cable... oh, and embarassed ;) )
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