Quoting Shwaine (shwa...@shwaine.com):

> And nothing about my reply contradicted this. In fact, my reply was just 
> clarifying that the old Mac file format is just carriage return (\r) and 
> not carriage return-line feed (\r\n) like the Windows format. This means 
> that the vim substitution command to correct the Mac file format is NOT 
> the same as the substitution command for correcting Windows file format.

Which entirely misses my point that I was giving a general approach to 
cleaning up all endline problems.

But, since you are making a point of saying so, actually your reply
_did_ contradict my suggesting \r (and by implication, \n or whatever
else is required) as a search string, erroneously claiming that one
should use a literal CR if seeking to find ASCII 13 characters -- which,
as I pointed out, is a blunder and doesn't work.

Anyway, this is a poor use of my time at least, and I hope yours, too.

> Frankly, I don't see what was so controversial as to warrant such a long 
> reply.....

I'll be delighted to dispose of further interruptions more briefly.

> What's so obsessive about giving people the correct information....

Ironically, your suggestion of using a literal CR is greatly broken.
Check for yourself.

Meanwhile, sorry, have to do real work.

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