On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:
> I wrote:
> And that's just not happening.  Everyone wants to make a groupware suite
> that does absolutely everything, wants to take over the world, and has
> incredibly picky and incredibly extensive requirements.  I cannot just
> drop Bedework, or Bongo Project, or Cosmo, or Dingo Calendar Server, or
> ScalableOGo, or EGroupware into my old PIII server and have any of
> those play well with my existing server configuration.  Almost all
> insist on a specific back-end database, and many want LDAP-based
> directory services.


This is about right.  Bedework is unsuitable for my needs.  It's too
big of a framework.  Very intensive.  The developers say it requires
its own dedicated server, which is why it's not offered by webhosting
companies.  There's no such thing as a server that runs Bedework for
multiple clients, and from what I've read, I don't exactly want to run
it on my desktop machine.  Sigh.  It does look like a conquer the
world type application though.  Very impressive, but you hit the nail
squarely on the head with the above paragraph.

I looked into mod_caldav.  The documentation is spotty, but from what
I can tell, it requires a patched Apache server?!?  I've seen messages
of people who were compiling Apache to run mod_caldav, and that looks
like a whole can of worms too.

I started to look into the Ubuntu calendarserver package.  Still
trying to figure out how to set it up and whatnot; documentation
sucks, but I think it might be the most fruitful avenue to caldav out
of the three options I've looked at so far.

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