On 07/11/2011 03:57 PM, Michael Robert Seydel wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Richard S. Crawford
> <rich...@underpope.com> wrote:
>> I've been trying to use PHP to create a backup script that would read
>> filenames from a directory, then copy those filenames into a .zip file, then
>> delete the original files. I wrote a PHP script to do this, but it seemed to
>> spawn so many httpd child processes that the server load skyrocketed and
>> users weren't able to get to our website.
>> So my question is, what other options do I have for performing this sort of
>> task?
>> --
>> Sláinte,
>> Richard S. Crawford (rich...@underpope.com)
>> http://www.underpope.com
> Being a Python fan, I'd recommend Python. I would in particular use
> mod_python for this ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_python )
> although mod_wsgi is the newer toy that might suit your needs better.
> I know that mod_python for sure doesn't spawn child processes though,
> which solve your particular problem.

mod_python is not recommended for new development and is no longer
maintained. mod_wsgi is the favored replacement as noted by install
instructions for django, trac, pylons etc...

Others around here might also say, pick whatever lang you like - Ruby,
Haskell, C, Perl or anything else that can be run via cgi scripts (or
the new way fastcgi).

I could see a quick solution to your particular issue as a bash 10 line
or less bash script run via cgi.


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