On 09/12/2011 10:23 PM, Jason Snyder wrote:
> I am trying to install Netcdf and am encountering problems with the
> installation.  Can someone give me some guidelines on how to
> successfully install netcdf on UBUNTU?  I tried looking at this website:
> http://iprc.soest.hawaii.edu/users/xfu/tool/INSTALL.html
> I tried to run ./configure, then make, tne make test, then make install
> but to no avail.  Can someone give me some additional instruction on how
> to install the netcdf so that I can get an include and lib directory
> like I am supposed to be getting?

        First check our the packages. I find there are is a netcfd-bin

        You might want to look at:

        I find the first thing I do when I want to install a program is
        to always check to see if there is already an existing Ubuntu
        or Debian package. If there is, I install that and stop wasting
        my time trying to build it from scratch.

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