On 10/22/2011 05:06 PM, Bob Scofield wrote:
> Earlier this year I noticed that my computer clock was slow so I put in 
> a new battery.  Recently I noticed that the clock still runs slow.  
> Sometimes the clock is at the right time when I turn the computer on.
> I've Googled this problem and learned that one cause of a slow clock 
> might be a defect in a memory resident program.  I can live with a slow 
> clock.  My question is this:
> Can a slow clock be a symptom of something serious; like a motherboard 
> going out?
> I want to know if I have to be thinking about getting a new computer.

        Why not use NTP and let it adjust the clock as needed. Every
        computer I set-up for personal or business use, I always use
        NTP on it. This way the time in my logs can be used to know
        exactly when an event happened.

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