On 05/29/2012 11:58 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> I don't know anything about this, but...

        I suggest you take a good look at the

> a) you really want to download a shell script and run it automatically as 
> root? From such simple beginnings arise security disasters. Just build the 
> script into your install, and update the install if it needs to change.

        The answer is yes!. It needs to be root to finish up the.
        Install. At the time it run you can not do a SUDO. You must be

        And seeing packages will be remove and other configuration files
        will be changed/added. all of the work needs to be done as root.

> b) If you must go there, I wonder whether the execute but has been set on the 
> newly-downloaded file?

        In the post-install script you can do a 'su' to another user
        when dealing with non root issues.

        Now you do bring up a very great point. Trust and security. I
        would be very careful of using any preseed script. In fact you
        can confirm the preseed script is what you expect by using the
        MD5 sum at the time you specified the preseed file.

        BUT if you are using an in-house server to set-up a system while
        in-house then you can be freer about your usage. You can trust
        the set-up and know there is no man-in-the-middle.

        Debian Preseed is much like Red Hat Kickstart.

        I would say this would be a great topic for a LUGOD meeting. But
        without a car I would not be able to get from where I'm
        currently staying in the south bay up to a meeting in time.

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