On 09/15/2013 05:17 PM, Brian Lavender wrote:
> It seems that DNS has been under attack lately. I get a ton of stuff I don't
> even quite understand in my log files. And, I see that Sonic, my ISP, has had
> various issues. I also see that the NY Times was subverted using a DNS attack.
> Who is our DNS expert? 
> I give a thumbs up for a talk on what is going on with DNS security.

        I think you really have two talks here. One is DNS and DNSSEC.

        The other is security as a whole. If you have followed some of
        the /. articles of late (I'm thinking of "John Gilmore Analyzes
        NSA Obstruction of Crypto In IPSEC" from Sat. 9/7 which takes
        you to 
        I think the question really is, is there really any good
        security scheme which could be used with DNS and others.
        I would suggest we invite John Gilmore (founder of EFF) to
        come up and talk to us. To me this would be a much better
        attended talk (once word was put out), and of a higher value.

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