Quoting Brian E. Lavender (br...@brie.com):

> Mark,
> I really think you have put twisted words out here. I really don't
> want to hear a debate that is going to take away from the depth of the
> presentation on systemd.

FWIW, prior ot Alison's delivery of the talk at SVLUG, some ranting by
overly impassioned anti-systemd people such as Mark S. Bilk and (quite a
bit more reasonably) Steve Litt on SVLUG's main discussion list seemed
to really drive up interest:  We had about 100 people attend.  People
seem to love controversy, even controversy represented by the ranty
pure-advocacy type that Mark's tech help posted here.

So, count your blessings.  (For excessively ranty and kinda-annoying
values of 'blessings'.  ;->  )

(I also heard Alison give what appeared to be the same
systemd-boosterism talk at SCALE, though I had to quietly duck out after
about 15 minutes because of a conflicting obligation.)

In other news, I've got my Debian 8.0 'Jessie' test system quite easily
converted to OpenRC, and am much cheered by a really good event-driven
init being an emerging option on many more distros, not just Gentoo,
Funtoo, and Manjuro.  Only one problem:  As Adam Borowski pointed out,
it lacks a hostile upstream.  ;->  [1]

A good cgroups / LXC manager that isn't horribly engineered and a
dependency hairball that makes one's system difficult to diagnose
problems on, any more, (i.e., that is not systemd) would be welcome,
too, so I'm on the lookout for that.

[1] https://lwn.net/Articles/512719/

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