On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 08:19:32PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Bill Kendrick (n...@sonic.net):
> > Brian came over, I did the song & dance to gain access to the
> > account at domaindiscover aka tierra.net, and we fiddled with things.
> > 
> > How's it looking now?
> Would you consider posting the new zonefile so it can be seen in its
> entirety?  Understandably, the authoritative nameservers don't permit
> random members of the public to pull those down.

Here ya go!

> $ dig -t axfr lugod.org @NS1.TIERRA.NET
> ; Transfer failed.
> $ dig -t axfr lugod.org @NS2.TIERRA.NET
> ; Transfer failed.
> $
> One fine point:  RFC 2182's recommendation is minimum three, maximum
> seven authoritative nameservers.  Two is disrecommended as too thin.
> The choice of two only might be dictated by your chosen hosting
> provider, which doesn't make this error any smarter, but does make it
> more difficult to overcome.  (Shortchanging redundancy is sadly common
> among ISPs.)
> Personally, I use mutual nameservice with other technical people -- and
> I do follow my own advice, too:
> $ whois linuxmafia.com | grep '^Name Server: ' | wc -l
> 5
> $

Anyone want to help us with this? :)

Sent from my computer
$TTL 3600

@       IN      SOA     ns1.domaindiscover.com. hostmaster.tierra.net. (
                                2015032103      ; Serial
                                7200    ; Refresh
                                1800    ; Retry
                                604800  ; Expire
                                28800 ) ; Minimum

@       3600    NS              ns1.domaindiscover.com.
@       3600    NS              ns2.domaindiscover.com.
www     3600    A
lists   3600    MX      10      www.lugod.org.
lists   3600    A
@       3600    A
@       3600    MX      10      www.lugod.org.
@       3600    TXT     "v=spf1 a mx -all"
@       3600    TXT     "Linux Users Group of Davis"
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