On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 02:14:05PM -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
> We just bought a new desk top PC for my wife, running Win-7.
> She normally has lots of USB stuff  attached but I started by only
> connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse (wireless). Booted up fine and I
> left
> it to my wife to set name, password and such. Then she told me it was
> downloading tons of updates from MSN. But how?? I hadn't connected
> the LAN. So it was connected by wi-fi. For a while I was afraid it had
> connected to an open AP that shows up here sometimes. But no,
> it was connected to our AP. But we never entered the pass phrase.
> We checked at the router to verify. Its set up for WPA2 and WPS is
> disabled. Also there a lot more devices connected than I could imagine.
> Some I recognize like our androids (and entered pass phrase on)
> but there are others that I don't know what they are.
> How is it possible to connect without the pass phrase??

I'm far from an expert on this, but perhaps your AP allows
'guest' access?  I vaaaaguely recall seeing some option for
that on my AP.

Quick google search for the term "wireless AP guess access"
comes up with, e.g.

Just a thought...

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