Debian installs network-manager by default and I installed wicd. The two
with each other. But its a mystery why it worked until the last upgrade as
before that
both programs were installed and worked OK.


On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 12:35 AM, Nick Schmalenberger <
> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 04, 2015 at 06:53:20PM -0700, Richard Harke wrote:
> > This is happening on two different laptops. One is using a usb wifi fob
> > with realtek chip set. My new laptop
> > uses intel wifi. I use wicd to select and bring up a connection. The
> first
> > try always takes a very long time
> > and fails with bad password. If I then immediately click connect again,
> it
> > connects in 1 or 2 seconds and remains
> > connected for a variable length of time. At starbucks (open AP) it
> connects
> > right away but disconnects
> > 4 to 6 seconds later. I haven't tried all permutations of machine and AP
> > but a recent debian seems to be the
> > main common point. Problem started on the old machine after upgrading to
> > sid. And now the new machine is
> > installed with jessie. (which was sid when the old machine was upgraded)
> > Its on my new machine I noticed the log files
> > growing and saw entries for wpa_supplicant every few seconds (syslog and
> > daemon.log)
> > Richard
> >
> Despite all the seeming bloatedness of NetworkManager, I've had
> quite good luck with it on my current Debian laptop. It
> especially helped once I found nmtui, because I don't have any
> window manager that works decently with the NetworkManager gui
> and I think that was my main source of frustration with it
> before.
> The only other possible problem I can see with it, is if I want
> to manually change my ip on a interface I just added with vlan
> tagging or something, NetworkManager may interfere, but I usually
> only have to do that at work, where I have a Mac whose GUI
> works decently enough even for vlan tagging.
> -Nick
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