Don't see Daves email but if he wants to meet me at Citrus Heights
Starbucks some
time next week I would see what I can do. No promises as I haven't worked
with Mint before
though I use Debian so most of it should be familiar

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Bill Kendrick <> wrote:

> Dave here emailed me directly at the root@ address, and I offered
> to pass his question along to vox-tech list, to see if someone
> here might be willing to lend a hand:
> ========================================================================
> Dave here in Citrus Heights. Hoping for help on using 64gb usb drive
> for Linux tasks; and original hard drive C Windows 8 for other
> tasks. (I visit Davis every 60 days or so, in case help is available.)
> I'm a new user of Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon; it runs fine on HP laptop
> on 16gb bootable usb drive with 4 gb persistence file (in bios, boot
> order is usb diskette first; secure boot is disabled).
> I have failed in the following tasks:
> * on a Mint bootable 64 gb usb drive with 4 gb persistence file:
> failed in attempts with gparted app. to revise persistence upward to
> tap unallocated space of around 58 gb.
> * today, using 16gb bootable Mint usb drive, tried "full install" onto
> 64 gb usb drive (no persistence file). It said installation completed;
> I powered off, and tried re-boot, but 64 gb usb will not boot Mint (it
> seems to look for usb drive, but boots to Windows 8).
> ****
> * also, if time allows, would like to work on Mint 16gb bootable usb
> drive to revise persistence upward to tap unallocated space.
> *****
> ========================================================================
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
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