Not commenting from a place of certain knowledge, but just as ideas--  Fedora 
is of course Red Hat's bleeding-edge offering, though it's a bit confusing to 
go from Debian-based to that world..  I'd say try Arch, which features a 
really great level of support in the forums.  When I do searches for my 
obscure distro, I often end up using info found on the Arch messageboard. 
 (Was just noticing an article in Linux Voice which looked at all distros and 
determined Arch the Most Recommended, actually.)  Another fully-developed one 
to try is Mageia.
Warm regards,  Mark (now with changed email--  forgot to login for 
3 weeks so they demanded $48.something to let me at my email.  If y'all sent 
anything, re-send here..)--

24. Jun 2016 01:17 by

> I got a free ExoPC tablet.  The Windows 8 OS on it was messed up, so I 
> installed Ubuntu 16.04 on it.  
> So far the touch screen works and I can use the Onboard on-screen KB.  I 
> can also get a wireless keyboard/mouse working as it has a couple USB 
> slots.  
> What I can't get working is the automatic screen rotation.  I know it has 
> an accelerometer in it that can detect screen position, but I need to find 
> software that will work for it.  
> I tried upgrading to Unity 8 through the packages but still no joy.  
> Is there another distro that has accelerometer screen rotation already 
> baked in?  If not, any suggestions on getting it to work in Ubuntu?
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