I've got a couple of Keybase.io "invites" laying around, & never got around 
to offering them at a social gathering or such, so I'll offer them here.  This 
raises the technical question I have though, which I'm sure some of the many 
sharp people on this list might have thoughts about:
  Does anyone have a take on trustworthiness of Keybase?  Also would like 
analyses of Signal (which I just heard deemed inadvisable--  damned if I can 
remember where, all the sudden, but I found this 
https://sandervenema.ch/2016/11/why-i-wont-recommend-signal-anymore  which 
among other things mentions that there's a non-OpenSource part to it, which 
gets in the way of what else I want to ask everyone: "HAVE YOU perused the 
source code on these??"  And I could swear I used to see Signal recommended in 
the twitter bio-blurb of either @csoghoian (ACLU genius) or @ggreenwald  on 
Twitter  -- but now they're back to mentioning only PGP.  So much for that fad 
I guess.. what does appear new is wire.com -- now with in-browser functionality 
(but only the client sees my microphone in the Linux distro I'm running) ..  
this is ballyhooed due to it being hosted in Switzerland which boasts the best 
privacy laws on-planet, they say.  What it is: the trustworthy alternative to 
Goog Hangouts, I'm hoping!  Conferencing audio/video (not sure about max 
participants on a call) over secure protocol.  So if anyone has auditing chops 
or knows of audits/viewpoints regarding any of these, do tell.  

btw, I myself haven't been using Keybase much since signing up..  I was using 
its copy/paste-codeblobs-into-your-CLI option for awhile until trying its 
installable client..  the latter of which was even a bit scarier given that it 
installed a line in .bashrc, thus firing it up on every boot-- & it's like its 
own fuse-fs which creates major load.  Did this without asking, so I commented 
out that line pretty quickly.

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