I've got it fixed.  But first thanks to Brian, Tim, Rod, and Rick.

Because Thunderbird was starting to crash I decided to go ahead and try to fix it on my own.  (I was getting very nervous.)  I think my procedure, while ham handed, generally follows Rick's advice.  But Rick did not waste his time with the long response because I'm going to copy and paste his response into a Libreoffice document so I'll know a more elegant approach the next time this happens.  So I appreciate it, Rick.

Rick said to see if Firefox was still running.  It was.  When I tried to reboot I got a message that I had to force the roboot because Firefox was still running.

As far as Brian's advice goes, I had a Linux Mint stick.  So I booted into and checked that Firefox was working from it.

Then from /home I deleted the following:  .mozilla, .chromium, and .cache.

As far as Rick's point about bookmarks, I think I've got most backed up on an external hard drive.  I'll check as soon as I send this message.

Then I reinstalled Linux Mint. I've wasted some time doing it this way, but everything seems to be working.  And I've got Virtualbox working, which I was worried about.

I may have committed the fallacy of false cause, but I'm still not going back to that website about the mama bear.

Thanks again.


On 06/02/2018 06:04 PM, Brian E. Lavender wrote:

How about booting with Fedora on a stick?


I can create one for you if you like.


On Sat, Jun 02, 2018 at 05:12:41PM -0700, Bob Scofield wrote:
Here's an update.  The idea of installing Chrome as a temporary fix does not
work.  Chrome will not even come up when I click on the icon.


On 06/02/2018 04:55 PM, Bob Scofield wrote:
I've got an infected Linux desktop and I don't have the technical
expertise to fix it.  I live in Woodland and I'm willing to hire someone
to come over here to fix it.  So I'll explain the problem and then
explain what I think I can do on my own, but if that won't work I would
like some professional help.

I was on the CNN news website and saw an article with a title something
like "Mama Bear Hugs Man Who Saved Cubs."  I wanted to read the article,
but checked out another story first.  Then I could no longer find the
bear story on the CNN website.  So I Googled and found it.

When I clicked on the link to the story or video or whatever it is,
Firefox crashed.  It crashed permanently.  If I try to start Firefox all
I get is the "Mozilla Crash Report."  I've removed Firefox 3 times.
I've purged Firefox twice.  I've reinstalled and the problem persists.

In the meantime I tried to read the story with Chromium.  Chromium now
constantly crashes.  It will not stay up for more than about 30 seconds.

What's more, Cinnamon (I'm using Linux Mint) is now crashing every once
and awhile and I've never seen Cinnamon crash before.

One idea I have is to reinstall Linux Mint.  But /home is on a separate
partition.  And I've got a feeling that if I reinstall, then something
in /home/.mozilla will prevent Firefox from working. So if I do a
reinstall, do I first wipe out /.mozilla?

I've got ESET Linux antivirus on this computer and it didn't find
anything during an in-depth scan.

This is a dual boot system.  I use Windows 7 for work.  Given that
Windows 7 is expiring next January I was planning on taking some time in
November to re-partition this computer to wipe out the Windows partition
and use Windows 7 in Virtualbox (keeping Windows more isolated from the
Internet).  So I guess I could download Chrome and use it until I do
this big computer switch in November. But even then I have to worry
about whether .mozilla should be deleted.

If one of these fixes don't seem like they'd work, please contact me and
I'll hire you to drive over and do the fix.


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