
1. You can use a german mirror site for the main debian mirror: lenny main contrib

The custom repository needs to be there with the main debian mirror. It only has additional custom packages related to voyage.

2. I'm not sure about the Missing Packages (adjtimex) on Maybe try the German mirror?

3. You can put that command line in /etc/rc.local. It will run on every boot.


On 06/25/2010 09:47 AM, Andreas Delleske wrote:
Hi all,

first of all: I'm happy I found Voyage Linux. Before, I've tried
imedialinux and I must say they might just delete their website as it
is completely abandoned and PCEngines should better not point to that
flavor of Linux at all IMHO. It has many bugs and gave me hours of

However, some questions remain - please pardon if they are FAQs for
Deban users, but I think they might be interesting for other beginners

1. APT sources

What other APT repositories than the taiwanese in
/etc/apt/sources.list ( lenny main
contrib) can I use when living in Germany? Is it enough to keep the
"custom repository" ./" ? Are you sure
that stuff does not get mixed up?

2. Missing Packages (adjtimex) on

The current taiwanese repository does not contain "adjtimex" package.
Seems the only way to me to tune the very unprecise internal clock
speed without ntpdate'ing every hour (which could carry sideeffects)

Can I add a second source in sources.list and will the package
versions be mixed up then?

3. Heartbeat, LEDs

When I was booting Voyage Linux for the first time, heartbeat LED etc.
are working - but disappear after a reboot (only LED 1 is ON). I
manage to start them again via

echo "heartbeat" /sys/class/leds/alix:1/trigger

etc but what is the best way to make this permanent?

4. MySQL database in RAM

I'll use the ALIX board with mysql / lighttpd and php5, which works
fine. I followed this guide:

Now I am unsure whether I should move the /var/lib/mysql folder to the
rw / ro mechanism so writing to the DB does not spoil the flash so
fast. Does anyone have experiences on wearout when using a 4 GByte
flash for about 500 MByte? My database is about 50 MB and will reach
100 MB. If I reserve 100 of 256 MByte for MySQL, maybe the RAM is not
enough for the functioning of the rest of applications?

5. Turn off unused services

If I have a static IP adress - is it safe to turn off dnsmasq?

Is it safe to turn these services off (tcp:53, tcp:68, tcp:1723,
tcp:111) when I only want to offer MySQL and http (and ssh) services?
How can I do it safely?

Sorry for asking so many questions but I guess that they might be easy
ones for experienced users..

Thanks a lot!

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