Do you have XDM or anything else configured that would drive the display?  Do you have logins defined for the virtual terminals?

Voyage isn't like one of those distros where people run it as a desktop operating system -- you have a set up what you need.
Julie Haugh
Senior Design Engineer
greenHouse Computers, LLC // jfh at // greenHousePC on Skype

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SPAM] [Voyage-linux] VGA or Display problem
From: <>
Date: Sat, June 18, 2011 3:48 pm

I home someone can point me in the right direction. I have been using voyage since ver. 0.5 and love it.

I just tried to install 0.7 for the first time on an old Sony Vaio P3 laptop. I loaded it from the liveCD and had to boot it into fail-safe mode. After I installed it, grub starts, and it starts to load. At some point the screen flashes and goes blank, but the HD light is still flashing, just nothing is being displayed. It even apears that I can log in and shutdown the box, just nothing is being displayed on the screen.

There must be a VGA or monitor driver being loaded at boot that wasn't loaded during the fail-safe install option from the liveCD. Could someone point me to the right config file to disable the VGA to make it display the same as the fail-safe option?

Thank you for any help!

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